
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

cool ways to alter photos

 Last week at cybersamrt we learnt how to alter some  photos  like these photos down here they have all been alted because you know that if you put some food couloring on an lemon it would spreed around the lemon any ways here are some pictures that have been alted. Oh and  My favorite altered picture is the unifox picture. What is your favourite altered picture?  

Friday, June 14, 2019

leap frog by raquel

In writing today we wrote about leap frog this book that had no words so what we had to do was rewrite the story so then it can have some words in it all of us did a great work and keept  on trying then we got finish it then blogg it here are some pictures down there

Thursday, June 6, 2019

logic puzzles from Term 2 week 6 wich is the top view

Hello viewers today  in math 's  I had some logic puzzle questions from my teacher  they where challenging but we found the answers the first question was a logic puzzled car park one it was a little while till me and my friend got the answer you just needed to turn over you're  device then you can see the answer the answer was 87 that was easy then the next logic puzzle was even more harder then the other one you had to just maybe puss ten and twenty that makes thirty wow that was interesting the other was also easy you just needed to see witch

 one was the wright one for the question the pictures are at the bottom     

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

All about me

Hello Today at  cyber smart  we learned to do your very own all about me  we where very excited that after we had finished doing our writings in all about me. It was a little challenging  because some of us took it slowly some where so good at it that they even knew how to blog  We are  very confident about trying it but it turned  out great  That down there are my pictures slash writing