
Thursday, April 16, 2020

If I could talk to a snake, I would ask it...

Today this morning I had a  hangout with miss mcleod and my other class mates after we had done reading about harry potter we started to write If I could talk to a snake, I would ask it... this is what I wrote.


  1. Hi Raquel
    Awesome questions! I've never thought about what I might ask a snake but I think I would ask your last idea as well - how do they lay eggs. I think I might ask a snake what it is like to not have legs too.
    Mrs Jones

  2. Hi Raquel, it was great that you managed to come to our reading lesson online today. I am hoping you can come back tomorrow! Maybe you could tell your readers a little bit about the link this activity had to what we read today. You've thought of some great questions. I would as: how do you communicate with other snakes?
    Miss McLeod

  3. Kia ora Raquel. I love the questions you have come up with. It would definitely be interesting to know how they play with other snakes. I would ask them what their favourite snack was (and hope it wasn't me!).
    Miss Butler

  4. Kia ora Raquel, great questions for the snake. I would ask it what is the nicest thing to slither across? I look forward to seeing more of your blogs.


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