
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Trip to the Marae

 Hello readers 

Yesterday me and my class went to Te pa o moki Marae. In the morning Mrs Mclelands and Mrs Gatehouses class came with my class (Mrs Jones´s) to go to the Marae in my blog post I´m going to show you some of the photos of what Mrs jones took while we were on the trip.

                               Us when we arrived there and meet Fiona

When we were told that we were allowed to walk toward the Marae

            After we had introduced our selves to each other and had a snack

                                When we went to the scavenger hunt

                                         Us going to see the eels
                                           Us going back to school

1 comment:

  1. I like this paragraph that you guys got interesting things about going on your trip.
    By Ricardo


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