
Friday, September 27, 2019

Trip to the Marae

Today this morning our class went to the marae, first we went on the bus and the bus driver drove us of to the marae. When we arrived we meet an instructor that would be showing us around while we were at the marae,her name was called Jasmine and she had a partner with her when she said to open the gates she said to us to say maoriora and she would say Te hei all of a sudden the gates of the marae opened and we  were Tarazed  of the Maori warriors that were jumping out of some sides of the marae. Before we went inside Jasmine said that she would like a volunteer to rase there hand and would come up and be the chief and would have to do the  hunge with Jasmines partner and would have to do it with Maui which was the warrior  who was strong and mighty. When a few hands came up she choose Res to do the hunge , when we entered the marae we were scared because they had very dangerous weapons in there hands and I thought that they were going to kill us but luckily they did not, they did the hunge and then we entered the marae that was called  aurake when we went inside it was very dark until some lights flicked on automatically and it was almost like a ghost house ,so when we went in Jasmine said to us to sit down and we watched this cool show and there were adults preforming a Maori dance  when they were done they started to preform of how Maui found his father , mother and how he found his grandpa and the jawbone when they were finished they teached the girls how to work with poys and they taught the boys how to do the haka when we did that we went and meet up together and played this very challenging Maori game afterwards we went outside and had some lunch when we ate we all went on the bus back to school . That was a fun trip.

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