
Monday, August 10, 2020

To inform about Typewriters

 Hello Dear readers 

Today in Writing I managed to finish my to inform Typewriters I really enjoyed doing and I would kinda like to do the other options like a spinning top , americain dolls and some peg dolls but I would rather do the peg dolls then the american dolls because they are a little creepy but andyways here is my writing about Typewriters 

 Old Fashioned Typewriters


Do you know what typewriters were used for?

Typewriters were used to solve some peoples problems with them writing some words onto a piece of paper because sometime when they would write there hand would sometimes get tired and that is why in the before some authors like J.K Rowling used the typewriters.


The appearance of a typewriter is that it has a paper on top and one the bottom it has some keys that you can type on and the typewriter will automatically print the letter that you tipped onto the piece of paper , the typewriter is similar to a computer but does not need  electricity to work. 

First made

Typewriters were first made in  1868 , In 1868 American inventor Christiphore Lamthan Sholes  developed the machine that finally succeeded on the market as the Remington and established the modern idea of the Typewriter.

Why they were made

Typewriters were made so then it is easier for us humans to write without our hands getting tired and without us having to sharpen our pencil again so then you could finish writing , people also use these things because they can write faster on it and slower on it .


Maybe in the future people might upgrade the type writers and use different materials to make it .  Who knows anyways it's not like we can see into the future or can we ?

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