
Monday, March 22, 2021

Complex sentences

Hello dear readers

Last week we started on doing these Mini Lessons and in that Mini lessons we did some complex sentence sheets we something that I found hard was trying to understand how to do it because it was confusing what our teacher was saying and I didn't really get it but in the end I found it great something that I found easy was writing it down and figuring out what to write down because this was pretty easy for me to do since I had done it last last year in the class next door with another teacher and it was also challenging for me to do it but then the teacher showed me how to do it and it started to make sence. Have you ever done anything like this before? if you have then write that down in the comments if you haven't write that down in the comments as well. See you later.

Problem of the week

 Hello my dear readers

Today I finally completed my DLO for my Problem of the week for maths something that I found hard was writing down everything and trying to keep on focus which I passed something that I found easy was figuring out the answers. Have you ever done anything like this before.

Friday, March 19, 2021

DLO about Dorothy and the wizard of Oz

 Hello dear readers

Today in reading I had to continue in finishing off my DLO about dorothy in the wizard of Oz we had to choose one charector from the story and wirte about them (by the way we have been reading about it in reading) something that I found difficult would be writing down all the information and something that I found easy would be saying the information to myself so then I knew what to write down. In the comments please say if you have ever made a DLO before?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

All about our class DLO

 Hello readers 

Today I am going to post my All about our class DLO that I created on a goggle slides I put in the infromation about our class and the types of winds, coulors and weathers that they have. I also added in some information about the sliding doors and why we have them in the specific places that they have been put in , while I was working I thought what were the hard things and easy things and I think that making slides adding in the photos and typing down the information and finding times to do it at home. And something that I found easy was getting the information because I already knew what to write down because our teacher had told us about the winds , the names of the classes , the colours , the names of the winds and about the sliding doors. I hope that you guys like the slides :)