
Monday, May 17, 2021

My comprehension sheet

 This week we have been learning about ANZAC day ( Australia New Zealand Army Crops ) we have been learning about there life the timeline in the war what happened during the war and who died. It was very fun getting to  know what has happened in the past. Something that I found very hard was reading through the text that we had to read and try and figure out what the question was asking. Something that I found easy was writing down the answers to the questions.

1.Who celebrates Anzac Day?

2.Which is closest in meaning to the word 'allied'? Tick one

In partnership




3.Who is Andrew Fisher

Prime minester for austarlia

4.Did the battle of Gallipoli go according to plan? Explanin your answer using the text

No because it took them eight months and it was nearly winter so they retreated.

5.Do you think the battle of Gallipoli was a succes? Give two reasons for your answer.

1. No because they had to fight for eight months

2. No because they had to retreat and most of NZ &(New zealand) AUS (Australia) people died

6.When was the first Anzac day?

15th April 1916


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