
Friday, August 20, 2021

Making Oragami Bunnies

 Hello fellow readers 

Today in lockdown I have started doing some of the activities that my teachers have put onto my site. I have choosen to do the bunny origami one and it was pretty easy and didn't take that much time to do. Something that I fond hard in doing this activity was trying to keep up with the video that I had to watch and also trying to gte the instructions right. Something that I found easy in doing this activity was drawing the little face on the bunny. Hope you like my work and make sure to comment down bellow on the things that you like about my post and something I can work on BYE!


  1. Hey Raquel!

    Kristhel here :D I really like the origami you made, i'm also planning to do the origami's at some point. Your's is very cute! I have a question how long did it for you to make this? I know at some point doing origami is (very/kind of) hard, and what you made is really cool! Also are you planning to make more? In your blurb there is 2 grammar mistakes that's all you really need to fix hope to see more on your blog if you make more of them! Have a good day Raquel! </3

    -Kristhel :D

  2. Hi Raquel,

    What an amazing job you did with your oragami! It is very cute. When I was at primary school I used to love making oragami, Maybe I will try it again during lockdown.
    Did you have to have a special type of paper for it or did you just use normal paper?

    Cant wait to see what you make next!
    Miss Lauder 🌸

  3. Kia ora Raquel, your bunny looks amazing. Great work! Thank you for the blurb it's good to know what you found hard and what you found easy. I look forward to seeing any more creations you make.

  4. Thank-you Mrs Russel
    How have you been in lockdown? And what have you enjoyed doing during lockdown? And what do you miss?

    Hope you can answer all these questions.


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
Encourage me to make another post