
Monday, September 28, 2020

Maths word problems

Hey readers!

Do you know how to make a Maths word problem well I do and I will be showing you what I did first I wrote what I would be doing when I was done I decorated it with some colours and some people and houses and stuff hope you like what I did Please comment down bellow and comment what you think about it.

The difference

 Hey readers 

Do you know what is the diffence between a comic strip , a comic book and a cartoon well I do , the answer to all of these are that cartoons are basicly just some pictures that are just moving and comic books well they are basicly the same because they don't really talk and all that you are looking at mostly is just some coloured in animated pictures and as for comic strips they discribe the person and don't have that much colour to it and have words just like a comic but the comic only has talking and it is not really a book but as for the comic strip it is like a book but in every page it has pictures and for the books they sometimes have pictures on pages except for the baby book now readers do you know what are the differences between comic strips , comic books and cartoons please feel free to comment down bellow and leave your link to it see you bye.✋

Friday, September 25, 2020


Hey readers 

Today in Technology we made some clothes before we even did that we made some logos for some paper bags and we talked about us saving the inviroment and the teacher gave us a sheet and we had to write down on a compare contract we had to compare paper bags and plastic bags and write down what things that would happen and how the plastic and paper bags would efect our inviroment next we did some plannings of what we would like our clothes to look like when we where done we got some fabric and then cut them into the peices that we needed to make our clothes that we planned about me and my group where the REE! ( Raquel,Ella,Ella-pearl) we had plan A plan B and plan C  A is me wearing the clothes B is for Ella and C is for ella-pearl I was pretty lucky and  got choosen to wear the clothes this is what clothes that we made comment down bellow and say what you think about it OK.

Calender art

Ki ora readers

Today we did some finishing of on our calender art I had already finished mine and had to blog first we had to make a plan of some designs that we would be using I made some cury circle one and for my real one I did the same but I put a circle in the middle then put some cury circles around it I put the word family in the middle of the circle and it looked kind of smudged in any ways this is what my work turned out as hope you guys like oh and make sure to comment down bellow if you like or if you've ever done something like this at your school or at home.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Maths Measuring

 Ki ora readers

 Today in Mathmatics we did some mesuring with our teacher Mrs Jones in this slide it has the stepps and what we did.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The conoe Paddlers


 Talofa Lava redaers 

Today in our writing we finished of with doing our conoe describe a momment in time something that I found that was hard was putting my writing in present tense and not in past tense because I was not careful and used a lot of ed words something that was easy was I guess writing it out and I think that the rest was all hard please make sure to comment down bellow and leave a link to your blog and I can come and comment on yours please make sure to learn some te reo for this week and to look at my writing BYE 😉😋😆.

Splash, go the  people's paddles as they shovel it into the swamp water. They can feel the vibration of the river water crashing into their mini canoes , as their canoes were wobbling in the fresh cool water . The woman in the canoe is getting disinterested so she puts her hand into the water and can feel the coolness of the water in her hand.

As they paddle forward, they can see a cluster of light that is trying to break through the dangly vines and trees .  The people describe it as the hands of God .  The light is so bright, even brighter than a light bulb. Their eyes nearly burst as they stare into it .

They quickly push their paddle in and out of the water and  end up on the other side of the swamp  pretty quickly and hear some ravens crashing down and swapping back up again into some cracks that were in trees. As they were entering the dark cloudy mist they can see some more clusters of ravens that were staring at them.

As the canoers were gliding along the damp cold swampy river they can hear some other canoers approaching them . The other canoers toss and turn as they were wobbling towards the other canoers; they both head towards the dark side of the forest and they felt a little frightened and eerie.

Te reo maori video/greetings and ferwells

Ki ora Readers

Today in Te reo Maori we finshed of our videos of saying ferwells and greetings to our budys , I was buddied up with Phoebe it was very dificult vidoeing us because I was not focusing and me and Phoebe were talking a lot , something that was very easy and not dificult to do was finishing doing it please make sure to comment down bellow.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Metaphors with Mrs Hodgson

Hello readers 

Today in writing we did mini lessons , in mini lessons we learned about Metaphors I thought that it was a little hard because I kinda did not understand anyways in the end I finished it  I thought that it was fun nd not fun in ether way I went to go and show the teachers and they said that it was amazing I hope you think that to Please make sure to comment down bellow and I will commment on yours.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Hey Readers!

Today in writing today we had the lovely Mrs H and when we have Mrs H we do MINI LESSONS , today in mini lessons we did a Similes sheet Something that was difficult doing this was when we had to think of because I think that my mind was not awake just then Something that was not difficult was me typing OK please comment odwn bellow and make sure to check out my photo.✌👍✋