
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Art gallery / Street art

 Bula vinaka my fellow readers

Today me and my class went on a big trip into town to see some street art and to see the art gallery. All we could see where plain old graffitis but when we got to the art gallery there were many things to see and outside of the building their were a few art that had been put outside of the gallery. The art that I like from outside was this sculpture of a bull that was standing on top of a non-real piano. When my homeroom had gotten into the gallery the building was so big and we could see all around us that we were in a land of art. We all stoped to have some morning tea and then a lady named bianca came and introduced herself and told us the rules.

Once she had told us the rules we all went one by one to go and put our bags against a wall. When we had finally taken away our bags we went up stairs and looked at a tongan tapa cloth. After we had looked at that we went to go and look at some more art around the gallery. But we only looked at a few because we had to get back at school before it was home time so then we wouldn't have to keep some parents waiting. After we had looked at some art we went around and looked for the art that was on the little note book that I had been given to me by my teacher. When we were done we sat down and had some morning tea. Then when we finished looking inside of the art gallery we switched with the other group and went around town looking at some murals.

We then saw this man named Nick Lowry doing a graffiti and we saw these other construction people making a new mural. It had some birds and a hector dolphin , a seal and some plants and they where all near this ocean and beaming down was the moon , but we could only see the outlines of the mural because it was a mural that was in progress. We asked them many questions and they asked us if they could guess what species dolphin was the dolphin in the picture and one of my class mates guessed and it was a hector dolphin ( I guessed bottlenosed tho it was a good try). Once we had seen them we walked back to the gallery and hopped onto the bus and headed back to school.

Here are some of the murals that we saw if you know any of them write that down in the comments and if you can see the name of the artist who drew the art then write that down in the comments too thanks for reading BYE!.

(oh and I am in some of the photos UWU)

(kristhel and pearly LOL)

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