
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Te reo maori / What we have been doing during te reo

 Ki ora tatou my fellow readers

During my week of school my class have been learning some te reo maori. It has been very cool doing some te reo maori classes. During the week we have been learning some freaces and words in te reo. 

We have been learning how to say some:

  • Colours
  • Class room objects
  • How to ask for an object
  • How to ask if you where telling someone to pass something to you
These are some of the exapmles of what we had to say:

(red = maori      blue = english)

Akomanga - Classroom
Kutikuti - Scissors
Pene Papama - Whiteboard marker

He aha tenei? - What is this?
He aha enei? - What are these?


He _____ tenei - This is a ______
He _____ enei - These are ______

Homai te _Object_ - Pass me the _Object_
Homai te _Objejct_ _Colour_ - Pass me the _Object_ 
Hoatu te _Object_ ki a _Person_ - Pass the -Object to _Person_

In the two videos that me and my buddy Phoebe have done try and spot out some of these words and go onto my site and you can check for the vocabulary here is the link.

         In this first video its kind of funny but try not to laugh ok


                   Thanks for coming onto my blog BYE!

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