
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

a suit for a shark so thenit can walk on land

today I made a picture of a shark that can walk on land and also for it to not die here is the picture that I made and it shows a shark in a tank and It is on the sand and it can not die in there thanks for watching oh and comment down bellow

species of sharks

Today in class we did an activety that was on our site it had a few activatey that we were sopost to do so the first thing I had to do was write down all kind of spiesed sharks and this was all the sharks that I found out about and I wrote down all of it on a paper so these are all the spices of sharks that I know for igsample.
The Great white shark
whale shark
shortfin mako shark
tiger shark
bull shark
goblin shark
oceanic whitetip shark
blue shark
spiny dogfish
white reef shark
blacktip shark
great hammerhead
sand tiger shark
silky shark
nurse shark
scalloped hammerhead
blacktip reef shark
grey reef shark
greenland shark
lemon shark
zebra shark
common thresher
megamouth shark
sandbar shark
longfin mako shark
smooth hammerhead
cookiecutter shark
bluntnose sixgill shark
bigeye thresher
pelagic thresher
dusky shark
tawyn nurse shark
copper shark
frilled shark
horn shark
port jackson shark
caribbean reef shark
if you want to see the link click bellow

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

brain teaser

how many people are at the party?
there are more than 15 and less than 25.
If we play a game in groups of 3 there
will be 2 people left out.
If we play a game with teams of 4 there will be 3 people left out.
So what I want you to do is find out the answer and tell me in the
comments bellow and happy hallowen.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Trip to the Marae

Today this morning our class went to the marae, first we went on the bus and the bus driver drove us of to the marae. When we arrived we meet an instructor that would be showing us around while we were at the marae,her name was called Jasmine and she had a partner with her when she said to open the gates she said to us to say maoriora and she would say Te hei all of a sudden the gates of the marae opened and we  were Tarazed  of the Maori warriors that were jumping out of some sides of the marae. Before we went inside Jasmine said that she would like a volunteer to rase there hand and would come up and be the chief and would have to do the  hunge with Jasmines partner and would have to do it with Maui which was the warrior  who was strong and mighty. When a few hands came up she choose Res to do the hunge , when we entered the marae we were scared because they had very dangerous weapons in there hands and I thought that they were going to kill us but luckily they did not, they did the hunge and then we entered the marae that was called  aurake when we went inside it was very dark until some lights flicked on automatically and it was almost like a ghost house ,so when we went in Jasmine said to us to sit down and we watched this cool show and there were adults preforming a Maori dance  when they were done they started to preform of how Maui found his father , mother and how he found his grandpa and the jawbone when they were finished they teached the girls how to work with poys and they taught the boys how to do the haka when we did that we went and meet up together and played this very challenging Maori game afterwards we went outside and had some lunch when we ate we all went on the bus back to school . That was a fun trip.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Journey Animation

This is my unfinished animation.What do you think?

Monday, September 9, 2019

Brain teaser

Today in math's  we did a brain teaser about 2 pirates and 4 treasures and one small boat. So they can only take 1 or 2 pirates  and 1 treasure chest so they have to take 5 rides on the boat because they have to take 2 pirates and 1 treasure and then they can drop of the treasure then they come back and they get another treasure  and drop of it then they come back and do that five times  then they come to the island and stay there and hide there treasure so you could try this at your house or at school with a buddy OK you can comment below and check out some other blogs mine OK.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Maori colours

During the week we have been learning about the Maori colours 
comment below.😁😄

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Hi readers during maths we have been learning about chance of probability sometimes before maths we would do this game of chance we would go on our mat against red and black our teacher miss jack would spin a spinning weal and then we had to have to choose between black and red so most of us would move to red and the other half would go on black so miss jack spines it and it landed on black so they won and who ever was on red would have to sit out the game because they were out. The game is almost like Simon&says if you get it wrong and Simon says do this that means you are out so try play this game at home or at school comment down bellow.😁😍😎

Friday, July 5, 2019

How to draw a Ladybird

Today when we were doing writing we did some instruction writing  each of us had to chose which kind of picture that we would chose then we would write some instructions for it here is my one 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

cool ways to alter photos

 Last week at cybersamrt we learnt how to alter some  photos  like these photos down here they have all been alted because you know that if you put some food couloring on an lemon it would spreed around the lemon any ways here are some pictures that have been alted. Oh and  My favorite altered picture is the unifox picture. What is your favourite altered picture?  

Friday, June 14, 2019

leap frog by raquel

In writing today we wrote about leap frog this book that had no words so what we had to do was rewrite the story so then it can have some words in it all of us did a great work and keept  on trying then we got finish it then blogg it here are some pictures down there

Thursday, June 6, 2019

logic puzzles from Term 2 week 6 wich is the top view

Hello viewers today  in math 's  I had some logic puzzle questions from my teacher  they where challenging but we found the answers the first question was a logic puzzled car park one it was a little while till me and my friend got the answer you just needed to turn over you're  device then you can see the answer the answer was 87 that was easy then the next logic puzzle was even more harder then the other one you had to just maybe puss ten and twenty that makes thirty wow that was interesting the other was also easy you just needed to see witch

 one was the wright one for the question the pictures are at the bottom     

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

All about me

Hello Today at  cyber smart  we learned to do your very own all about me  we where very excited that after we had finished doing our writings in all about me. It was a little challenging  because some of us took it slowly some where so good at it that they even knew how to blog  We are  very confident about trying it but it turned  out great  That down there are my pictures slash writing 


Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.