
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Art - Calender art

 Aloha my fellow readers

During this month and many months before me and my hub have been sketching and doing drafts for our end of year calender art. My name has a mix of my middle name. In mine I have gotten some ideas from my friends crate that has some planets on it. The little ghost thingy near the T it a pug dressed up in a ghost costume (for halloween) I thought that it could represent my favourite time of year (totally). Something that I found hard doing was trying not to copy my friends. My friends street art names where pretty cool and they had cool designs too but I had faith in my own self and did my own idea's. If you would like to check them out then I will put some photos of them down bellow. Something I found hard was trying to focus on my work because while I was doing my work I really felt like giving up but I was persistant and kept continueing. Something that I found easy was colouring in my letters with pastel. If you have done something like this than write that down in the comments and if you have anything else to say than write that down in the comments too. BYE!

Phonics - Google slides DLO

Fakalofa atu my fellow readers

During this year in my phonics group we have been learning about Verbs , Adjectives etc. It has been very challenging but fun to be learning about those. We have done many sheets based on the Adjectives , verbs and nouns (so on). In this slide that I have made I have descirbed in my own words what an Adjective is and how you can use it. This is in my own words by the way and I have not goten anything from online. If you know something else about Adjectives and stuff then right some facts about them down in the comments bellow. Also what I found easy during phonics leassons was writing down my answers and thinking of my own idea's. Something that I kind of found hard doing during phonics was trying to listen to what my current teacher was saying.Something I found hard during making the slides was trying to think of my own ideas. Something I found easy during making the slides was writing down my information and finding some cool GIF'S and IMAGES that I could use. Hope you like my slides make sure to come back on whenever you can. BYE! 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Reading-My poster for my book Canterbury Quakes

Kamusta po my fellow readers

This week in reading my group Judy Blume have been learning about the Canterbury Earthquakes. I have started reading most of the book and am currently up to the page 30 if you have read this book you might know that the main charector is a girl whoes name is Maddy and is a currently in the story I year 6 in primary school and has been begging her mum to buy her a phone for her brithday but her hopes where low and she didn't get what she wanted. So from the story Maddy got a poster from the news letter and put it under her mums pillow and her mum used the paper for the fire instead of reading what it said. So if I were the person who wrote the poster I would do this oh and I did a video from bitable too. If the link doesn't work than go and check out the poster instead of that ok hope you like it BYE! (If you have read the book then go and write that down in the comments).

Link to video-

My poster- 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Reading - Communication - Hieroglyphic

 Ahlan (arabic - hello) my fellow readers

Today I am going to show you what I have been done for my hieroglyphics activity. If you don't know what hieroglyphic s is I'll tell you. Hieroglyphic s is a type of language that people in egypt use. Hieroglyphic  language is not like sign language it is way differnt because in the hieroglyphic language it uses all kinds of different shapes and symbols. You can see mnay of this type of language in egypt tombs , walls and temples. You can also find them in some museums in the world. In this post I am going to show you my name in the hieroglyphic langauage and I am also going to be showing you a video about the hyrogliphic language. Hope you like my post , try and do your own name and once you have go and post it onto your blog and I'll come and look at it please comment down bellow and make sure to come back and look at my new posts BYE!.