
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Reading-My poster for my book Canterbury Quakes

Kamusta po my fellow readers

This week in reading my group Judy Blume have been learning about the Canterbury Earthquakes. I have started reading most of the book and am currently up to the page 30 if you have read this book you might know that the main charector is a girl whoes name is Maddy and is a currently in the story I year 6 in primary school and has been begging her mum to buy her a phone for her brithday but her hopes where low and she didn't get what she wanted. So from the story Maddy got a poster from the news letter and put it under her mums pillow and her mum used the paper for the fire instead of reading what it said. So if I were the person who wrote the poster I would do this oh and I did a video from bitable too. If the link doesn't work than go and check out the poster instead of that ok hope you like it BYE! (If you have read the book then go and write that down in the comments).

Link to video-

My poster- 

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