
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Beeswax poster-Inquiry

 Hello fellow readers

During the week me and my Inquiry have been learning about the pollution in the world and how we should ahve a rubbsih free school. We went onto a trip and found out how to make some beeswax wraps. If you don't know what beeswax wraps are then I will tell you. Beeswax wraps are something that you can use instead of using cling wrap or those small zip lock bags. The reason why we use the beeswax wraps instead of cling wrap of zip lock bags then you are saving the world because something that some people didn't know about zip lock bags and things plastic is that it take's like a billion or trillion years to break down. Unlike that plastic the beeswax wraps are the life saver of this problem because they break down easily and the materials and ingredeints that are used are organic and easy to break down. If you want to know how to make some beeswax wraps then stay here and keep reading because I will tell you how.

Beeswax bar

Cotton based fabric
Baking paper
Oven tray
Vegetable grader
Zig-zaggy scissor

So what you do is you put your oven at 40 degress celcius and then grab your oven tray and put some baking paper on the bottom of the tray and grab your cotton based fabric and grab your zig-zaggy scissors and start cutting the sides of it. Then lay your fabic on the baking paper and and grade some beeswax onto your peice of fabric. When you are done then put your fabric down into the oven and wait for a while. NOTE:Close your windows whilst you are making this because the bees will get attracted to the smell and come into your house. Whne you think your fabric is ready take it out of the oven and pell off the baking paper. Then start flapping it up and down so then it cools down and the other thing you need to know is that you can pinch the corners and it and it won't burn you.

When you think that it is ready scrunch it up until it is very small and place it in your palm and make sure that your palm is flat. If you look at your peice of fabric and see that it starts unfolding then that means that you have put too much beeswax on. Just start flapping it again and it should stay folded in the end. If your hands are sticky from doing the cooking then grab some coconut oil and rub it through your hands and it works like magic. The stickyness is gone and your hands are nice and smooth again. Please check out the poster that I have made off canva and I have put a link and you have to click on it to get to the poster. Make sure to come and visit my blog again BYE!

If the link doesnt work then that is fine just go and check out my other posts. Thanks for going onto my blog BYE!

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