
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Inquiry - Beeswax wraps trip

 Hi my fellow readers

Last week on tuesday there were five people who got choosen to go to a trip to go to a school called Waitaha , it was amazing and when we got there we got to learn how to make some beeswax wraps. There were only four people who went tho because one of the five of us weren't there. I will tell you the four people who came it was me ,  An , Phoenix and Tovie. The person who was absent from our group was this girl named Shelby tho. When we got there I saw that most of the doors where locked and my two teachers told me that they locked the door because there were little kids who liked to run out the gate. By the way this school had lots of people who had disabilities and we had to be repectful and treat them as tho they were normal like us. The kids who where really excited and were waving at us when we came in. There where two ladies who came over and introduced themselves and the other children to us. We each told them what our names where and got started on trying to make some beeswax wraps. We got some big brushes and we started brushing some resin , beeswax and coconut oil mixture onto our fabric that we had been given. When we did that step we went over to the iron area and ironed over the baking paper that was iver on top of our fabric. When we where done with that step we grabbed the fabric and started drying and flapping it back and front. When we where done with that we scrunched it up and put it in our palm and saw if it would unfold. When we where done the ladies told us something exciting and it was that we could keep the peice of fabric and take it home to use. I have been using it often in my lunch box and it turns out that it is actually really usefull. The other thing was that the school was trying to raise enough money to make a app for disable people. I hope that they will persude their dream. Please check out their school if you have time and please come back to my blog. Thank you for reading BYE!.

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