
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Epic Water Fight!!!!!!!

 Hello my dear readers

Yesterday we did a epic water fight. It was really cool because we all got wet and all the teams teamed up and all went for the green team (my team). There were four teams. Miss H's homeroom was yellow , Miss Mclelands homeroom was purple , Miss Mcleods homeroom was blue and Mrs Jones's homeroom was green. We had to bring in our own clothes that were the colour , we also had to bring in our own water guns. But I used my freinds water gun because she borowed another one from a freind. I filled up the gun and we started the fight. Lots of yellow came charging towards our home base and started squirting at us. The team that one was the one with the driest teacher , and so far that teacher was ours. The others teams where really jelous so they teamed up on us. When the fight was finished it turned out that our team one. We were so happy and all of the other teams were grumpy. These are some of the videos and images that we took. Hope you like them and make sure to comment down bellow and come back next time and check out my next posts. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Year 6 leavers dinner!!

 Hello fellow readers

Yesterday last night we had the year 6 leavers dinner. It was really fun and we took lots of photos before and after we had some food. We had some ham , shreded chicken and salad / other things. I was really tall because I was wearing some high heels. Although I was really tall my feet hurt really bad!! ): . After we had our dinner and took our photos we were aloud to take the photos down from the big wall of pictures. I took alot of photos down and then headed outside to wait for my parent to come and pick me up. When he arrived I hopped into the car and told my parents all about it. Please comment down bellow oh and check out these photos.Make sure to come back to my blog BYE!.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Free writing

 Hello my fellow readers

Today since I have nothing to do I decided that maybe I shoudl do some free writing. My peice of writing is called "STORY TIME WITH GRANDMOTHER MUSHROOM" I found the image for my writing online on google. I love the ammount of writing I have done in a certain ammount of time. I think that maye I should do a chapter 2 of this story because it is nice and easy and should become a story book. Thank you for coming to my blog make sure to come back and also make sure to comment down bellow on my work BYE!.

Reading - Workbook

 Hello my fellow readers

For the past 5 weeks me and my reading group have been each reading a differnt book and our teacher Miss H has created a workbook based on the book that we have read and then we have to answer the question on the workbook. Based on how many slides we did we that would be how many pompoms we would be able to put in our pompom jar. The book that I read was canterbury quakes. It was very interesting and the story was based of on the earthqukes that happpened in feburary and september. When we where done Mrs H told us to post it on our blog and that was what I did. Please comment down bellow on what I have improved or done well. BYE!.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Inquiry - Beeswax wraps trip

 Hi my fellow readers

Last week on tuesday there were five people who got choosen to go to a trip to go to a school called Waitaha , it was amazing and when we got there we got to learn how to make some beeswax wraps. There were only four people who went tho because one of the five of us weren't there. I will tell you the four people who came it was me ,  An , Phoenix and Tovie. The person who was absent from our group was this girl named Shelby tho. When we got there I saw that most of the doors where locked and my two teachers told me that they locked the door because there were little kids who liked to run out the gate. By the way this school had lots of people who had disabilities and we had to be repectful and treat them as tho they were normal like us. The kids who where really excited and were waving at us when we came in. There where two ladies who came over and introduced themselves and the other children to us. We each told them what our names where and got started on trying to make some beeswax wraps. We got some big brushes and we started brushing some resin , beeswax and coconut oil mixture onto our fabric that we had been given. When we did that step we went over to the iron area and ironed over the baking paper that was iver on top of our fabric. When we where done with that step we grabbed the fabric and started drying and flapping it back and front. When we where done with that we scrunched it up and put it in our palm and saw if it would unfold. When we where done the ladies told us something exciting and it was that we could keep the peice of fabric and take it home to use. I have been using it often in my lunch box and it turns out that it is actually really usefull. The other thing was that the school was trying to raise enough money to make a app for disable people. I hope that they will persude their dream. Please check out their school if you have time and please come back to my blog. Thank you for reading BYE!.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Beeswax poster-Inquiry

 Hello fellow readers

During the week me and my Inquiry have been learning about the pollution in the world and how we should ahve a rubbsih free school. We went onto a trip and found out how to make some beeswax wraps. If you don't know what beeswax wraps are then I will tell you. Beeswax wraps are something that you can use instead of using cling wrap or those small zip lock bags. The reason why we use the beeswax wraps instead of cling wrap of zip lock bags then you are saving the world because something that some people didn't know about zip lock bags and things plastic is that it take's like a billion or trillion years to break down. Unlike that plastic the beeswax wraps are the life saver of this problem because they break down easily and the materials and ingredeints that are used are organic and easy to break down. If you want to know how to make some beeswax wraps then stay here and keep reading because I will tell you how.

Beeswax bar

Cotton based fabric
Baking paper
Oven tray
Vegetable grader
Zig-zaggy scissor

So what you do is you put your oven at 40 degress celcius and then grab your oven tray and put some baking paper on the bottom of the tray and grab your cotton based fabric and grab your zig-zaggy scissors and start cutting the sides of it. Then lay your fabic on the baking paper and and grade some beeswax onto your peice of fabric. When you are done then put your fabric down into the oven and wait for a while. NOTE:Close your windows whilst you are making this because the bees will get attracted to the smell and come into your house. Whne you think your fabric is ready take it out of the oven and pell off the baking paper. Then start flapping it up and down so then it cools down and the other thing you need to know is that you can pinch the corners and it and it won't burn you.

When you think that it is ready scrunch it up until it is very small and place it in your palm and make sure that your palm is flat. If you look at your peice of fabric and see that it starts unfolding then that means that you have put too much beeswax on. Just start flapping it again and it should stay folded in the end. If your hands are sticky from doing the cooking then grab some coconut oil and rub it through your hands and it works like magic. The stickyness is gone and your hands are nice and smooth again. Please check out the poster that I have made off canva and I have put a link and you have to click on it to get to the poster. Make sure to come and visit my blog again BYE!

If the link doesnt work then that is fine just go and check out my other posts. Thanks for going onto my blog BYE!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Inquiry - Waste sorting activity

Hey my fellow readers

I am back and I have something new to post on my blog today. Today in inquiry we learned about recycling and where we put certain rubbish in what bin. Many of the rubbish that we have go in the yellow rubbish and are reuseable. We also learned about the numbers on the plastic/cans etc. We can only recycle the numbers 1 and 2 and the rest of the numbers are not allowed to be recycled.If you think that I have mis-placed any of the items than let me know that down in the comments. Something I found hard while doing this was trying to remeber which one goes in which rubbish. Something I found easy was putting them in the slots that we are supposed to put them in. In the comments write down if you have done something like this before. Please come back and check out more of my work BYE!.

#comebackorelse [please!]