
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Fishing tale

 Hello dear readers 

Today I did another Summer learning journey activity I went onto doing the Fishing tale teeth activity I found it quite easy because in lock down this year in writing we watched this video and it was funny I found some words to go with people talking and I think that the comic sound good and funny I think that the hard part was reading all the words and making the font small so then it can fit into the speech bubbles I learned that you can write for a charector that doesn't even talk in their story have you ever done anything like this before and are you doing the Summer learning journey write that down in the comments if you do or you don't or if you haven't joined and you want to hope you like that work that I have done today.

Opticall illusions

 HI readers

Today I was making some Opticall illusions and they look cool I made mine out of a square and then some how it turned into a rectangle it was funny but pretty cool I made mine move a little by putting it in google slides so then you could flick through the slides and see it go flashing like lights I hope you like it and have you ever made a Opticall illusion

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What are you doing to day? Te reo maori

 Ki ora readers 

Today I learnt something in the activity that I was doing today was that Takaro Netiporo means netball something that I found fun was putting the sentences toghether and realiseing that learning te reo maori might not be that bad and also I think that the challenging part was moving the magnets around on the fridge because it had to take some time untill it would reach to the spot that I wanted it to be in I hope you like my work that I did Haerera.

Wich one doesn´t belong

 Ki ora readers

Today I finished of doing my Wich one doesn´t belong slides I answered all the questions and made some reasons for it if you have some ideas as well write them down in the comments down bellow I found writing down everything was hard and that thinking of the ideas was easy I hope you like the slide.

Song Chorus

 Ki ora readers 

Today I did some more chorus writing I choose my own chorus to write and I thought that I should do Let It Go from frozen because it was a simple kind of lyrics that I could just rewrite from the Chorus means that you can´t wait anymore for it to snow and you just don´t care and all you want to do is play in snow I made a screencastify of me saying the Chorus but I wasn´t singing it because I was to shy of saying so instead I just read it like it was a poem I hope you like it.


Song Chorus

Ki ora readers

Today I finshed of doing my We Will Rise Chorus I had to replace the words from the chorus We Will Rise and made my own chorus for it and I  called it  Reach For The Stars I hope you like it I´ll put the link to the song beneath the chorus image and I thought that the hard part of doing this was trying to go with the title and trying to make the lyrics go with the tune of the song I think that the easy part was finding some rhymes for the words at the end of each sentence and the lyrics is about you trying to fu-fill your dream and never stop untill you fu-fill your quest hope you like it BYE!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Google slides Haiku Poem

 Hey readers!

I´m onto activity 2 and I have done three Haiku Poems in a Google slides I made one about Christmas , one about Family and one about the wather here in Christchurch I got the ideas of writing the topic of the poem from whats coming up and what we are doing during the holidays I hope you like that video that I recorded on screencastify of me reading out my Haiku poems BYE!

Haiku Poem

Hello readers 

Today at home I started doing some SLJ activities and I made a Haiku poem the hardest thing would be that I had to find some words to rhyme with the words at the end of the scentence (even though I didn´t have too) the easy thing was writing the syllables in each sentence here is my Haiku poem it´s about Christmas I hope you like it.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Why water is important

Hello readers

Today in reading I learned about why our water is important I made a DLO about all the information about what I learned please fell to comment down bellow BYE! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 Hello readers this is some of the learning that I had to finish from some other times that I have been doing some work today I will be posting something about noodles hope you like it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Giraffes need our help!

Hey readers I finished of my writing today and did some buddy check teacher check and self check with my writing I hope you guys like it and you can comment down bellow if you want ok 😄😃😁

Giraffes need our help!


Have you ever seen a giraffe before?  Even though they are really tall they have a kind heart they help our environment by  living  in harmony and serve a vital role in ecosystems … Giraffes host ticks , providing food for tick eating birds.


Giraffes tower over Africa as the tallest mammal in the world(They are the tallest mammal in the world that is about 4.6 - 6.1m in height). These tall animals are identified by their long necks , legs and spotted coats. Most Giraffes have tan white or yellow coats that are spotted with brown octagon shapes.


Giraffes can be found almost everywhere in Africa: Kenya , Cameroon , Chad , Niger , Uganda , Namibia , Botswana , Zimbabwe , Zambia , Tanzania, Angola and South Africa can also be found in Grasslands , Woodlands and the savanna.


Giraffes only eat one plant and that is acacia leaves; they are poisonous and have thorns. But for these animals they can eat it. The giraffes can eat these plants' thorns and twigs because they are not deterred. They have tough lips that can help them eat through the thorns.


Giraffes have no claws , sharp tusks or pointed antlers to protect themselves , but any animal that lives in the wild in such conditions have adaptations that allow them to survive. Giraffes protect themselves from intruders with their legs. These are their primary and most powerful weapons that save them from death.


Overall , I think that Giraffes are important to the ecosystem because they keep it balanced. They eat the branches that others cannot reach , which promotes growth of forage and opens up areas for themselves and other smaller browsers to make use of. So please if you see a giraffe don’t harm it and make sure to tell people that are trying to cut down their land to leave it alone and stop cutting!.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Problem of the week

 Hello Readers 

Today in maths I finished of doing my DLO for our problem yesterday anyways please check out the 2 ways that I have solved it Bye!.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

DLO poster about worm farms

Ki ora readers 
Today in our Inquiry we finished of doing our DLO about worm farms all the information is in the slide that is below this blurb anyways I hope that you like it and maybe from all the instructions you might as well make your own worm farm.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Hypothermia DLO

 Hey there readers!

Today in Digital CitzenShip we talked about hypothermia anyways I don't want to get all into the information and check out the slide that I made about hypothermia hope you like it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Problem of the week

 Hello Readers

Today in Maths our teacher gave us another problem of the week sheet this time I worked with a budy and made the slides with her ( Ella link- ) anyways please comment on my blog and her blog.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Song Maker

Hi guys 

Today I made a song that was supposed to sound like a cartoon I think that this song that I made sounds like we Bare bears hope you guys like it if you want to listen to it just watch the video down there and comment down bellow if you like see you guys bye.

        Song Maker

Monday, September 28, 2020

Maths word problems

Hey readers!

Do you know how to make a Maths word problem well I do and I will be showing you what I did first I wrote what I would be doing when I was done I decorated it with some colours and some people and houses and stuff hope you like what I did Please comment down bellow and comment what you think about it.

The difference

 Hey readers 

Do you know what is the diffence between a comic strip , a comic book and a cartoon well I do , the answer to all of these are that cartoons are basicly just some pictures that are just moving and comic books well they are basicly the same because they don't really talk and all that you are looking at mostly is just some coloured in animated pictures and as for comic strips they discribe the person and don't have that much colour to it and have words just like a comic but the comic only has talking and it is not really a book but as for the comic strip it is like a book but in every page it has pictures and for the books they sometimes have pictures on pages except for the baby book now readers do you know what are the differences between comic strips , comic books and cartoons please feel free to comment down bellow and leave your link to it see you bye.✋

Friday, September 25, 2020


Hey readers 

Today in Technology we made some clothes before we even did that we made some logos for some paper bags and we talked about us saving the inviroment and the teacher gave us a sheet and we had to write down on a compare contract we had to compare paper bags and plastic bags and write down what things that would happen and how the plastic and paper bags would efect our inviroment next we did some plannings of what we would like our clothes to look like when we where done we got some fabric and then cut them into the peices that we needed to make our clothes that we planned about me and my group where the REE! ( Raquel,Ella,Ella-pearl) we had plan A plan B and plan C  A is me wearing the clothes B is for Ella and C is for ella-pearl I was pretty lucky and  got choosen to wear the clothes this is what clothes that we made comment down bellow and say what you think about it OK.

Calender art

Ki ora readers

Today we did some finishing of on our calender art I had already finished mine and had to blog first we had to make a plan of some designs that we would be using I made some cury circle one and for my real one I did the same but I put a circle in the middle then put some cury circles around it I put the word family in the middle of the circle and it looked kind of smudged in any ways this is what my work turned out as hope you guys like oh and make sure to comment down bellow if you like or if you've ever done something like this at your school or at home.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Maths Measuring

 Ki ora readers

 Today in Mathmatics we did some mesuring with our teacher Mrs Jones in this slide it has the stepps and what we did.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The conoe Paddlers


 Talofa Lava redaers 

Today in our writing we finished of with doing our conoe describe a momment in time something that I found that was hard was putting my writing in present tense and not in past tense because I was not careful and used a lot of ed words something that was easy was I guess writing it out and I think that the rest was all hard please make sure to comment down bellow and leave a link to your blog and I can come and comment on yours please make sure to learn some te reo for this week and to look at my writing BYE 😉😋😆.

Splash, go the  people's paddles as they shovel it into the swamp water. They can feel the vibration of the river water crashing into their mini canoes , as their canoes were wobbling in the fresh cool water . The woman in the canoe is getting disinterested so she puts her hand into the water and can feel the coolness of the water in her hand.

As they paddle forward, they can see a cluster of light that is trying to break through the dangly vines and trees .  The people describe it as the hands of God .  The light is so bright, even brighter than a light bulb. Their eyes nearly burst as they stare into it .

They quickly push their paddle in and out of the water and  end up on the other side of the swamp  pretty quickly and hear some ravens crashing down and swapping back up again into some cracks that were in trees. As they were entering the dark cloudy mist they can see some more clusters of ravens that were staring at them.

As the canoers were gliding along the damp cold swampy river they can hear some other canoers approaching them . The other canoers toss and turn as they were wobbling towards the other canoers; they both head towards the dark side of the forest and they felt a little frightened and eerie.

Te reo maori video/greetings and ferwells

Ki ora Readers

Today in Te reo Maori we finshed of our videos of saying ferwells and greetings to our budys , I was buddied up with Phoebe it was very dificult vidoeing us because I was not focusing and me and Phoebe were talking a lot , something that was very easy and not dificult to do was finishing doing it please make sure to comment down bellow.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Metaphors with Mrs Hodgson

Hello readers 

Today in writing we did mini lessons , in mini lessons we learned about Metaphors I thought that it was a little hard because I kinda did not understand anyways in the end I finished it  I thought that it was fun nd not fun in ether way I went to go and show the teachers and they said that it was amazing I hope you think that to Please make sure to comment down bellow and I will commment on yours.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Hey Readers!

Today in writing today we had the lovely Mrs H and when we have Mrs H we do MINI LESSONS , today in mini lessons we did a Similes sheet Something that was difficult doing this was when we had to think of because I think that my mind was not awake just then Something that was not difficult was me typing OK please comment odwn bellow and make sure to check out my photo.✌👍✋


Thursday, August 27, 2020

For and against having a mobile phone

 Hello readers 

Today in reading we did a for and against having a mobile phone activity I liked doing it and the thing that was hard was thinking of some ideas to write down and the easy thing was typing down the ideas some of my ideas that were on my sheet were from my friends because I sort of stole the ideas because I over heard it please feel free to read what I wrote and comment down bellow in the commenting section

Persuasive writing

Good morning , Good afternoon and Good evening 

This year or in the in the past few weeks we have been learning how to write some persuasive writing and opinion writng I have writon 2 To persuade writing 1 was about learning a second language and the other was about Type writers out of those 2 my favourite is Typewriters because I think that in that one I have a lot of writing . Anyways what was hard for me in the secions of doing this was doing my plan because when I did learning a second language it was a little dificult on what I would name them because they all sounded the same what was easy was doing the writing because Thanks to Miss Mcleod she told us that we should have our plan by our side Thanks Miss Mcleod and thank you readers for coming onto my blog and reading my past few posts 

Please feel free to check out my writing and comment

Everyone should have to learn a second language

Don’t you think that everyone should learn a second language? I do! 

Firstly, I think that our cummunity should learn a second language for travel. I think this because learning a second language can help your brain and it is helpful.

Secondly , in fact learning a second language is helpful to your brain because it improves the person’s IQ and the person who speaks the language will get better and better  and that is how it improves the person’s language because they try and try and it will be improved , also It can help with your memory abilities  .

Finally, speaking another language can help you when you go to another country. You could use what you learned , also learning this can help others because if you know the language really well you could teach another person how to speak  the language if they want to speak it.

In Conclusion ,  it is without a doubt kind of necessary that everyone should learn how to speak another language because it can help with travel or knowledge and most of all you could improve this by teaching other people or just keep on learning . 

So now do you think that speaking another language is good for you? 

Monday, August 10, 2020

To inform about Typewriters

 Hello Dear readers 

Today in Writing I managed to finish my to inform Typewriters I really enjoyed doing and I would kinda like to do the other options like a spinning top , americain dolls and some peg dolls but I would rather do the peg dolls then the american dolls because they are a little creepy but andyways here is my writing about Typewriters 

 Old Fashioned Typewriters


Do you know what typewriters were used for?

Typewriters were used to solve some peoples problems with them writing some words onto a piece of paper because sometime when they would write there hand would sometimes get tired and that is why in the before some authors like J.K Rowling used the typewriters.


The appearance of a typewriter is that it has a paper on top and one the bottom it has some keys that you can type on and the typewriter will automatically print the letter that you tipped onto the piece of paper , the typewriter is similar to a computer but does not need  electricity to work. 

First made

Typewriters were first made in  1868 , In 1868 American inventor Christiphore Lamthan Sholes  developed the machine that finally succeeded on the market as the Remington and established the modern idea of the Typewriter.

Why they were made

Typewriters were made so then it is easier for us humans to write without our hands getting tired and without us having to sharpen our pencil again so then you could finish writing , people also use these things because they can write faster on it and slower on it .


Maybe in the future people might upgrade the type writers and use different materials to make it .  Who knows anyways it's not like we can see into the future or can we ?

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Steeping out work sheet

For maths today we did a challenging sheet that was about skip counting and trying to get to the other side of the river I answered all the questions and left one for a challenge that you guys as readers can maybe do so the first question was the kangaroo right well no because she actually took 11 beacuase their is only three more at the end instead of five so the next

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Jean Batten

In reading I finally got to finish my jean batten poster I like that it looks like an olden days poster I hope you guys like it here you can have a look at it.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Make it personal

Today in digital citiznship we did a sheet on our chromebook that was about Making it personal we had to turn the privite information writing in to a personal information writing so that means the information that is privte we had to change them in to sentence that wasn't private for example if you said that you're Mums full name that would be private information so you would have to say Mums first name only and not her full name so it's not privte here is what I did for my sheet and if you like or want to give feed back about it please comment down bellow and see you later byee


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Maui and the secret of fire Comparing contract

Dear readers
This week in reading we have been doing some activitys for myths and legends about Maui and the Matariki stars ect today in our reading setion we went and continued our Comaparing contract about different kinds of story that tell about Maui trying to find the secret of fire in some of them they have the fire goddess and in others they don't the thing thatwas easy for me was when we were comparing the storys of wich of the things were the same the most challegeing thing in the activitiy was when we had to find the differences because many of them were the same and there were not many of the things that were different please comment down bellow and make sure to put a link to you're blog so then I can come and check out on what you have been doing this year or this week and down bellow is what I compared and what I thought was not the same bettwen the stories and if you want to come and read the stories I have made a link down bellow for you to read it if you want.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Pick a path story

Today in our writing section I did a pick a path story in the ned mine turned out very weird but I hope you guys like it here is what my solution is.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Some work from maths

Yesterday in maths we did makeing tidy tens it was very fun and we got to do it with the teacher first then go to do it by our selfs and then we went and did a sheet about it had 10 sums on it they were all prety easy and did not take that long for me to get the answers because I was planing them on my whiteboard they all had big numbers and small numbers when we did the spliting and when we had to keep the number now that was the easyest because the small number you  had to split and make the bigger number a ten then on the sheet you have to write how much you splited and how much you have left it was a very challengeing slash easy work sheet.Ok that is all I have for you please comment down bellow and leave your blog link so then I can visit your blog BYE.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

If I could talk to a snake, I would ask it...

Today this morning I had a  hangout with miss mcleod and my other class mates after we had done reading about harry potter we started to write If I could talk to a snake, I would ask it... this is what I wrote.

Friday, March 20, 2020

the flower festavile

Today in class we had flower festavill day and we made drawings of flowers and one of them was for us to enter to a flower festavill compatition we made crafts of flowers , lego flowers and we whatched some videos of how to make paper flowers if you would like to cheek out what have I done look down bellow and make sure to leave a comment bye

fortune teller

Yesterday on Wensday we started a fortune teller with all the words of what we are good at some words that I had had were that I was kind , nice , a good artist , creative , intellegent , friendly and sensitive with all those words on our word cloud we wrote most of them on our fortune teller I would like to show you a picture of it but I left mine at home so sorry but any ways please comment down bellow and I mite come and visist your blogg.

Goldilocks writing

Last week we started writing a story about goldolock this was what mine turned out in the end and make sure to comment down bellow.

In the corner of the woods there lived a little girl named Goldilocks. She lived in a small old grey bricked wooden cottage in the woods with her lovely mother.

Goldilocks had golden hair and had long curls. She was a lovely young girl who had bright blue eyes , a lovely blue dress and a white apron over her light blue dress. She was a young girl and looked as if she was 7 or 8 years old. She had an average height and she had a very bright smile.

Goldilocks is friendly and a very curious little girl. She is scared , frightened and helpful to her mum in need of help almost every day she goes into the woods and grabs some handful of blueberries and puts them into her little basket and comes home and her mum makes them a berry pie.

While she went into the woods to go and get some blueberries she would usually go and play with little bunny friends and watch the butterflies as they glided to each beautiful flower in the field which was where Goldilocks  would go and pick some berries for her and her mum.

When Goldilocks went out she noticed that her bunnie friends were not there so she got distracted and went deep into the forest and forgot about the berries. THE END 

Monday, March 16, 2020

Suffix Poster

In phonics we have been learning about Suffixes and we thinked about some suffixes and were in a group and wrote down all the suffixes that we could think of and this was our resalt in the end.

Examples of the suffix:             
Fairness        Shortness Beautifulness     Greatness 
Mindness         Smallness Strangeness       Blindness 
Careness         Preciousness Stresness           Hearness 
Tallness           Sickness   Brightness Loveness
Happiness       Braveness   Darkness Loudness
Scareness        Strongness Deliciousness     Bigness     
Headless          Fabulousness Tasteness           Tightness
Lawless           Creativeness Cleanness           Glossiness
Freshness        Cleverness Dirtiness             Clearness 
Smartness        Funniness Hungriness                                                     Coolness   
😁😀 make sure to comment down bellow

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Last week we thought of some words to describe ourselves. We could choose from a sheet of Charictorristics. I choose the words Artistic , Respectful , Creative , Kind and Faithful . It was easy to think of good things about myself Can you think of some words to describe yourself?

Shortcut Speed test

Last week on Wendsday we hade a buddy and made a Copy of the shortcut speed test it was very fun and it had what was our favorite tv show what year we were and those kind of stuff the challengeing thing was when we highlighted things and choose a word and had to serch up the definition because i almost thought that I had no time to do it any ways my favorite tv show was cartoon network and buddy Phoebes favorite tv show was Britains Got Talent I was going to copy her but I'd rather not do that we screen shoted a photo of eachother and screen shoted what time we finished I finished before Phoebe so I won it was very fun doing it have you done it before? Because if you havent check it out down bellow and make shore to comment down bellow.