
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Epic Water Fight!!!!!!!

 Hello my dear readers

Yesterday we did a epic water fight. It was really cool because we all got wet and all the teams teamed up and all went for the green team (my team). There were four teams. Miss H's homeroom was yellow , Miss Mclelands homeroom was purple , Miss Mcleods homeroom was blue and Mrs Jones's homeroom was green. We had to bring in our own clothes that were the colour , we also had to bring in our own water guns. But I used my freinds water gun because she borowed another one from a freind. I filled up the gun and we started the fight. Lots of yellow came charging towards our home base and started squirting at us. The team that one was the one with the driest teacher , and so far that teacher was ours. The others teams where really jelous so they teamed up on us. When the fight was finished it turned out that our team one. We were so happy and all of the other teams were grumpy. These are some of the videos and images that we took. Hope you like them and make sure to comment down bellow and come back next time and check out my next posts. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Year 6 leavers dinner!!

 Hello fellow readers

Yesterday last night we had the year 6 leavers dinner. It was really fun and we took lots of photos before and after we had some food. We had some ham , shreded chicken and salad / other things. I was really tall because I was wearing some high heels. Although I was really tall my feet hurt really bad!! ): . After we had our dinner and took our photos we were aloud to take the photos down from the big wall of pictures. I took alot of photos down and then headed outside to wait for my parent to come and pick me up. When he arrived I hopped into the car and told my parents all about it. Please comment down bellow oh and check out these photos.Make sure to come back to my blog BYE!.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Free writing

 Hello my fellow readers

Today since I have nothing to do I decided that maybe I shoudl do some free writing. My peice of writing is called "STORY TIME WITH GRANDMOTHER MUSHROOM" I found the image for my writing online on google. I love the ammount of writing I have done in a certain ammount of time. I think that maye I should do a chapter 2 of this story because it is nice and easy and should become a story book. Thank you for coming to my blog make sure to come back and also make sure to comment down bellow on my work BYE!.

Reading - Workbook

 Hello my fellow readers

For the past 5 weeks me and my reading group have been each reading a differnt book and our teacher Miss H has created a workbook based on the book that we have read and then we have to answer the question on the workbook. Based on how many slides we did we that would be how many pompoms we would be able to put in our pompom jar. The book that I read was canterbury quakes. It was very interesting and the story was based of on the earthqukes that happpened in feburary and september. When we where done Mrs H told us to post it on our blog and that was what I did. Please comment down bellow on what I have improved or done well. BYE!.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Inquiry - Beeswax wraps trip

 Hi my fellow readers

Last week on tuesday there were five people who got choosen to go to a trip to go to a school called Waitaha , it was amazing and when we got there we got to learn how to make some beeswax wraps. There were only four people who went tho because one of the five of us weren't there. I will tell you the four people who came it was me ,  An , Phoenix and Tovie. The person who was absent from our group was this girl named Shelby tho. When we got there I saw that most of the doors where locked and my two teachers told me that they locked the door because there were little kids who liked to run out the gate. By the way this school had lots of people who had disabilities and we had to be repectful and treat them as tho they were normal like us. The kids who where really excited and were waving at us when we came in. There where two ladies who came over and introduced themselves and the other children to us. We each told them what our names where and got started on trying to make some beeswax wraps. We got some big brushes and we started brushing some resin , beeswax and coconut oil mixture onto our fabric that we had been given. When we did that step we went over to the iron area and ironed over the baking paper that was iver on top of our fabric. When we where done with that step we grabbed the fabric and started drying and flapping it back and front. When we where done with that we scrunched it up and put it in our palm and saw if it would unfold. When we where done the ladies told us something exciting and it was that we could keep the peice of fabric and take it home to use. I have been using it often in my lunch box and it turns out that it is actually really usefull. The other thing was that the school was trying to raise enough money to make a app for disable people. I hope that they will persude their dream. Please check out their school if you have time and please come back to my blog. Thank you for reading BYE!.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Beeswax poster-Inquiry

 Hello fellow readers

During the week me and my Inquiry have been learning about the pollution in the world and how we should ahve a rubbsih free school. We went onto a trip and found out how to make some beeswax wraps. If you don't know what beeswax wraps are then I will tell you. Beeswax wraps are something that you can use instead of using cling wrap or those small zip lock bags. The reason why we use the beeswax wraps instead of cling wrap of zip lock bags then you are saving the world because something that some people didn't know about zip lock bags and things plastic is that it take's like a billion or trillion years to break down. Unlike that plastic the beeswax wraps are the life saver of this problem because they break down easily and the materials and ingredeints that are used are organic and easy to break down. If you want to know how to make some beeswax wraps then stay here and keep reading because I will tell you how.

Beeswax bar

Cotton based fabric
Baking paper
Oven tray
Vegetable grader
Zig-zaggy scissor

So what you do is you put your oven at 40 degress celcius and then grab your oven tray and put some baking paper on the bottom of the tray and grab your cotton based fabric and grab your zig-zaggy scissors and start cutting the sides of it. Then lay your fabic on the baking paper and and grade some beeswax onto your peice of fabric. When you are done then put your fabric down into the oven and wait for a while. NOTE:Close your windows whilst you are making this because the bees will get attracted to the smell and come into your house. Whne you think your fabric is ready take it out of the oven and pell off the baking paper. Then start flapping it up and down so then it cools down and the other thing you need to know is that you can pinch the corners and it and it won't burn you.

When you think that it is ready scrunch it up until it is very small and place it in your palm and make sure that your palm is flat. If you look at your peice of fabric and see that it starts unfolding then that means that you have put too much beeswax on. Just start flapping it again and it should stay folded in the end. If your hands are sticky from doing the cooking then grab some coconut oil and rub it through your hands and it works like magic. The stickyness is gone and your hands are nice and smooth again. Please check out the poster that I have made off canva and I have put a link and you have to click on it to get to the poster. Make sure to come and visit my blog again BYE!

If the link doesnt work then that is fine just go and check out my other posts. Thanks for going onto my blog BYE!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Inquiry - Waste sorting activity

Hey my fellow readers

I am back and I have something new to post on my blog today. Today in inquiry we learned about recycling and where we put certain rubbish in what bin. Many of the rubbish that we have go in the yellow rubbish and are reuseable. We also learned about the numbers on the plastic/cans etc. We can only recycle the numbers 1 and 2 and the rest of the numbers are not allowed to be recycled.If you think that I have mis-placed any of the items than let me know that down in the comments. Something I found hard while doing this was trying to remeber which one goes in which rubbish. Something I found easy was putting them in the slots that we are supposed to put them in. In the comments write down if you have done something like this before. Please come back and check out more of my work BYE!.

#comebackorelse [please!]

Monday, November 1, 2021

Inquiry- To refuse Single use plastic

Bonjour my fellow readers
Today in inquiry we have been learning about the 4 r's which are Refuse , Reduce , Reuse and Recycle. We are learning about how there are many plastic rubbish in the world and how the plastic is getting smaller and smaller and that the sea creatures eat the small bits of plastic and that plastic ends up in the food that we eat. Our activity that we did for this was that we had to make a persuasive poster to convince people to stop using plastic and to recycle the pastic that they use. Something that I found hard was trying to find some information of my own and also trying to put on as least information as possible on my poster. Something I found easy was listing down my reasons and making up a cool catchy frase. Hope you like the poster that I have made and make sure to comment down bellow and recycle and pick up any rubbish you see on the floor. Make sure to check out my blog.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Art - Calender art

 Aloha my fellow readers

During this month and many months before me and my hub have been sketching and doing drafts for our end of year calender art. My name has a mix of my middle name. In mine I have gotten some ideas from my friends crate that has some planets on it. The little ghost thingy near the T it a pug dressed up in a ghost costume (for halloween) I thought that it could represent my favourite time of year (totally). Something that I found hard doing was trying not to copy my friends. My friends street art names where pretty cool and they had cool designs too but I had faith in my own self and did my own idea's. If you would like to check them out then I will put some photos of them down bellow. Something I found hard was trying to focus on my work because while I was doing my work I really felt like giving up but I was persistant and kept continueing. Something that I found easy was colouring in my letters with pastel. If you have done something like this than write that down in the comments and if you have anything else to say than write that down in the comments too. BYE!

Phonics - Google slides DLO

Fakalofa atu my fellow readers

During this year in my phonics group we have been learning about Verbs , Adjectives etc. It has been very challenging but fun to be learning about those. We have done many sheets based on the Adjectives , verbs and nouns (so on). In this slide that I have made I have descirbed in my own words what an Adjective is and how you can use it. This is in my own words by the way and I have not goten anything from online. If you know something else about Adjectives and stuff then right some facts about them down in the comments bellow. Also what I found easy during phonics leassons was writing down my answers and thinking of my own idea's. Something that I kind of found hard doing during phonics was trying to listen to what my current teacher was saying.Something I found hard during making the slides was trying to think of my own ideas. Something I found easy during making the slides was writing down my information and finding some cool GIF'S and IMAGES that I could use. Hope you like my slides make sure to come back on whenever you can. BYE! 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Reading-My poster for my book Canterbury Quakes

Kamusta po my fellow readers

This week in reading my group Judy Blume have been learning about the Canterbury Earthquakes. I have started reading most of the book and am currently up to the page 30 if you have read this book you might know that the main charector is a girl whoes name is Maddy and is a currently in the story I year 6 in primary school and has been begging her mum to buy her a phone for her brithday but her hopes where low and she didn't get what she wanted. So from the story Maddy got a poster from the news letter and put it under her mums pillow and her mum used the paper for the fire instead of reading what it said. So if I were the person who wrote the poster I would do this oh and I did a video from bitable too. If the link doesn't work than go and check out the poster instead of that ok hope you like it BYE! (If you have read the book then go and write that down in the comments).

Link to video-

My poster- 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Reading - Communication - Hieroglyphic

 Ahlan (arabic - hello) my fellow readers

Today I am going to show you what I have been done for my hieroglyphics activity. If you don't know what hieroglyphic s is I'll tell you. Hieroglyphic s is a type of language that people in egypt use. Hieroglyphic  language is not like sign language it is way differnt because in the hieroglyphic language it uses all kinds of different shapes and symbols. You can see mnay of this type of language in egypt tombs , walls and temples. You can also find them in some museums in the world. In this post I am going to show you my name in the hieroglyphic langauage and I am also going to be showing you a video about the hyrogliphic language. Hope you like my post , try and do your own name and once you have go and post it onto your blog and I'll come and look at it please comment down bellow and make sure to come back and look at my new posts BYE!.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Reading - Sign language (national anthem)

 Malo e leilei my fellow readers

Today I have finally had the courage to do the video fo my doing the national anthem in sign language. I am kind of motionless in the video but that is ok at least I did the video tho. Something I found hard was to try not to sing along with the person who was singing because I really wanted to sing a long but I was too shy to. Something I found easy was just looking at my screen and copying what the people in the video where doing. I hope you like what I have done please comment down bellow and if you want to learn this than go to this link and watch the video that I watched. Thanks for coming onto my blog BYE!.

Link - Natinal anthem - Sign language

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Te reo maori / What we have been doing during te reo

 Ki ora tatou my fellow readers

During my week of school my class have been learning some te reo maori. It has been very cool doing some te reo maori classes. During the week we have been learning some freaces and words in te reo. 

We have been learning how to say some:

  • Colours
  • Class room objects
  • How to ask for an object
  • How to ask if you where telling someone to pass something to you
These are some of the exapmles of what we had to say:

(red = maori      blue = english)

Akomanga - Classroom
Kutikuti - Scissors
Pene Papama - Whiteboard marker

He aha tenei? - What is this?
He aha enei? - What are these?


He _____ tenei - This is a ______
He _____ enei - These are ______

Homai te _Object_ - Pass me the _Object_
Homai te _Objejct_ _Colour_ - Pass me the _Object_ 
Hoatu te _Object_ ki a _Person_ - Pass the -Object to _Person_

In the two videos that me and my buddy Phoebe have done try and spot out some of these words and go onto my site and you can check for the vocabulary here is the link.

         In this first video its kind of funny but try not to laugh ok


                   Thanks for coming onto my blog BYE!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Art gallery / Street art

 Bula vinaka my fellow readers

Today me and my class went on a big trip into town to see some street art and to see the art gallery. All we could see where plain old graffitis but when we got to the art gallery there were many things to see and outside of the building their were a few art that had been put outside of the gallery. The art that I like from outside was this sculpture of a bull that was standing on top of a non-real piano. When my homeroom had gotten into the gallery the building was so big and we could see all around us that we were in a land of art. We all stoped to have some morning tea and then a lady named bianca came and introduced herself and told us the rules.

Once she had told us the rules we all went one by one to go and put our bags against a wall. When we had finally taken away our bags we went up stairs and looked at a tongan tapa cloth. After we had looked at that we went to go and look at some more art around the gallery. But we only looked at a few because we had to get back at school before it was home time so then we wouldn't have to keep some parents waiting. After we had looked at some art we went around and looked for the art that was on the little note book that I had been given to me by my teacher. When we were done we sat down and had some morning tea. Then when we finished looking inside of the art gallery we switched with the other group and went around town looking at some murals.

We then saw this man named Nick Lowry doing a graffiti and we saw these other construction people making a new mural. It had some birds and a hector dolphin , a seal and some plants and they where all near this ocean and beaming down was the moon , but we could only see the outlines of the mural because it was a mural that was in progress. We asked them many questions and they asked us if they could guess what species dolphin was the dolphin in the picture and one of my class mates guessed and it was a hector dolphin ( I guessed bottlenosed tho it was a good try). Once we had seen them we walked back to the gallery and hopped onto the bus and headed back to school.

Here are some of the murals that we saw if you know any of them write that down in the comments and if you can see the name of the artist who drew the art then write that down in the comments too thanks for reading BYE!.

(oh and I am in some of the photos UWU)

(kristhel and pearly LOL)

Monday, August 23, 2021

Learning about dolphis - Reading

 Hello my fellow readers

Today in lockdown I have gone onto my hangout meeting with my reading teacher and we have been learnign abotu sea aninmals. As most of you may know the sea animal that we are focusing on for today was DOLPHINS. Dolphins are extraordinary animals that live in the sea but they are mammals. There are many different species of dolphins and they live almost all over the world. They eat fish , squids and crustations such as shrimps. Dolphins are very playful animals and are very popular for being very kind to humans and for also having amazing talents.

In this post I am showing you the t-shirt I made for dolphins hope you like it. I found nothing that hard because i made my t-shirt very simple. Please comment down bellow because I have heard from not that much people. For those who want to know what I write down bellow and on top it was this





Hope you guys like my post bye

Friday, August 20, 2021

Making Oragami Bunnies

 Hello fellow readers 

Today in lockdown I have started doing some of the activities that my teachers have put onto my site. I have choosen to do the bunny origami one and it was pretty easy and didn't take that much time to do. Something that I fond hard in doing this activity was trying to keep up with the video that I had to watch and also trying to gte the instructions right. Something that I found easy in doing this activity was drawing the little face on the bunny. Hope you like my work and make sure to comment down bellow on the things that you like about my post and something I can work on BYE!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Te reo maori naming objects activity

 Hello fellow readers

Today I will be posting my Te reo maori naming objects activity. It was very fun having to complete it and this week we have been learning about some names of some objects in our classroom and how to pronouce them. In the activity that I did we had to put an arrow to one of the objects that we could see and name what the object is and what the colour of it was. It was very difficult at times but I got it done in the end.

Something that I found hard was looking through the vocabulary list that our Te reo maori teacher gave us and tried to find the name of the object and the colour of it.
Something that I found easy was trying to spot out the objects in the classroom and typing down the name of the object and the colour.

Thank-you for coming and looking on my blog make sure to come back next time BYE!.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

My Design For A Sports Uniform (W.L.J)

Talofa lava my dear readers

Today at home I have completed another activity from the W.L.J (Winter Learning Journey). It was very fun doing this activity especially because it was something to do with drawing (well not like real drawing but like drawing on your device and stuff) also because I love drawing.

Anyways the culture that I choose was Samoa (which is the country where my mum is from). The activity number that I choose was Number Nine. I hope you like what I have made and thank-you for visiting my blog and make sure to comment down bellow on what I should improve on and what else I should add into my blog.

Something that I found easy was adding the colour into the uniforms that I made.
Something that I found hard was trying to trace around the pictures that I was using.

Hope you like it.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Sadako and the thousand paper cranes activitiy

Kon'nichiwa my fellow readers

Today I have started on one of the activities for this years Winter Learning Journey (W.L.J). It was very fun beacuse in this activity we got to make some cranes (well that was what the instructions said on my site). We had to watch a video that had to do with a girl and she was only 11 years old and she got injured from one of the bombs that struc in her country Japan.

 So after that she was sent to the hospital and that was when she started making cranes because it was said that whoever made 1000 or more cranes it would bring them luck and if they were lucky enough they could make a whish and it would come true. So eventually Sadako started making thousands of oragami paper planes and soon enough there were altogether 1300 cranes but sadly she died at the age 12. If you want to know more about Sasako go to this link and click on the first link in the (sort of) row of links.

Something that I found easy was making the paper cranes.
Something that I found hard was trying to make an even smaller version of the bigger paper crane that I had made.

Thank-you for visiting my blog hope you have had a great holiday.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Last Day Of Term Te Reo Maori

 Tena koe Readers

Today in Te reo maori we have been learning how to say the weather in Te Reo maori. This year in Te Reo Maori we have learned many things about how to speak in Te Reo here are somethings that we learned.

Seasons- Nga Kaupeka o te Tau
Summer- Raumati
Spring- Koanga 
Autumn- Ngahuru
Winter- Takurua / Hotoke

If you would like to learn more click onto this link and it will take you to my site thank-you for checking out my blog and make sure to comment down bellow if you have done this or if you want to do this bye.

Digital Maths Coloring In

ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬 𝔉𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰

𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔦𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔰 ℑ 𝔡𝔦𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔬𝔩 𝔇𝔦𝔤𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔐𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔰 ℭ𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ℑ𝔫. ℑ𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔰𝔲𝔭𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔲𝔫 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℑ 𝔤𝔬𝔱 𝔦𝔱 𝔡𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶 𝔮𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔨𝔩𝔶. 

𝔖𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔟𝔢 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔰.

𝔖𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔡𝔦𝔣𝔣𝔦𝔠𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔟𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰.

ℌ𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔦𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔬 𝔦𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨-𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔶 𝔰𝔩𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔰!  (𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔰𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔠𝔬𝔭𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔬𝔨 𝔟𝔶𝔢!)


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Pug A Path Story

 Talofa Lava Fellow readers

Today I have finshed doing my metaphore thingy and am now doing some free writing but I thought that maybe I should do a pick a path story about a pug this time I hope you like it oh and the pugs name is sprinkles.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

How to make a paper plane instruction writing

 Hello Fellow Readers

Today I am going to post my instruction writing about how to make a paper plane. 
Something that I found hard was trying to make my instructions make sense.
Something that I found easy was typing down the instructions.

Thank you for looking at my blog make sure to commnent down bellow.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

About the Sun


Today I have finished doing my all about the sun DLO (digital learning object). So what we had to do was ...

1.Make a copy of the document
2.Name the document
3.Put facts into the boxes provided
4.And most importatntly put in our inquiry folder

Something that I found hard in doing the activity was trying not to copy the facts so much because my teacher Mrs Jones had told us to sort of summarise the facts into our own words and stuff.

Something that I found easy was changing the background and also changing the font.
I hope you like this post and feel free to comment down bellow.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The earths structure

 Hello fellow readers

This week we have been learning about the stars but I didn't get to finish of some work that I have done for the past week about earth.
Something that I found hard was making the colour for the crust of the earth.
Something that I found easy was nothing , hope you like my post make sure to comment down bellow.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

About the stars

 Hello fellow readers

Sorry for not posting to you since June and May I need to work on how fast I work on things anyways through out May and June me and the poeple in Punui-o-toka have been learning about Earth , Moon , Earthquakes and so on. 

Today in June we are now learning about The Stars it was fun listening to the fact and information about it but even funner was when we got to do our create task here is what I did hope you like and always feel free to comment down bellow on my work (oh and something I found hard was being able to find some cool facts and information about the stars , and something that I found easy was making the google drawing and yeah) (: BYE!